Of being back
Monday, December 15, 2008 @ 8:37 PM | 0 Comment [s]
>Hear ye! Hear ye!Serena is BACK! On popular demand that is... *uiseh! :P* >Decided to change my blog, The old blog is a mess giving negative vibes, With all my rants and being so pessimistic in everything that happened to me. Guess i've matured overtime. >Talking bout "maturing", And this is MY blog, I'll write whatever I want. So here, I will just like to leave a gentle reminder to everyone thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.... GSAPD IS IN A MONTH TIME!! :D >Dunno what is GSAPD? Like seriously? You guys dunno? Its like the most important event of the year!! Its Give Serena A Present Day!!! *evil grin* > So what have I been up to? Currently working right now, As a "general" clerk. LITERALLY! I wash toilets, i drive and shop with my boss's kids, I teach, i design posters, i go for meetings as a personal assistant for Quantity Surveyors. Told you i was a GENERAL clerk... ^^ > Forgive me k? I haven't been blogging for a really long time. So my head is really short of ideas. But i promise you, This blog will get better. Serena never breaks her promise. > Till my next post! Have a GREAT week guys/gals! With all the love, Serena. |
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