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Of GSAPD wishes
Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 9:30 PM | 0 Comment [s]

> Darn.
On the day i turn 20,
I actually was feeling pretty down.

  1. spent my day dealing with school stuff
  2. no Wenkie
  3. parents weren't at home
  4. no Wenkie
  5. sudden realization (Dai Dai's fault)
  6. no Wenkie

> But then,
Thanks to all of you,
Your wishes and presents,
It actually did made my day better.

> I received this text,
Super evil yet funny at the same time.

May the fleas of a thousand camels
Infest the ass of the person who messed up your birthday
And may his arms grow too short to scratch his ass.
Happy Birthday!

> Then,
There's Mr Liaw's wish.

Happy Birthday Serena!
What you want as your present?
As long as its under RM10,000.

> Now don't you wish you were me?

p/s: I know my birthday was 1 month ago, but i was to busy to blog about it. If you missed it, I REALLY really really dont mind belated birthday present you know? *wink*

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