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Of dwong
Friday, March 27, 2009 @ 9:15 PM | 0 Comment [s]

> I remembered exactly how we knew each other.
I was a candidate for the secretary post,
You were the candidate for the ECA post.

> I was holding Reggie's Nike squirty bottle,
And you just had to pass by when i ter-press the bottle too hard.
The next thing that happened,

*how could you bully your jie jie like that Kwong?*

> And from then onwards,
We got closer as fellow councillors,
Just because i am the older,
You and Dai just started calling me Jie Jie.

> I even am one of your special guess!!
In your demo song as a keyboardist and pianist.
I am so please to have worked with you.
In the council and in the studio.

> So to my beloved DiDi,
Happy 20th Birthday!
Finally joining me and Dai oledi huh?

> All the best to what you want to pursue k?
As a singer, engineer or model.
You know that we got you back k?
Sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang Kwong =)
p/s: I am stuck on a verse...

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