Of missing everyone
Monday, March 16, 2009 @ 10:09 PM | 0 Comment [s]
>Everyone constantly changes.Someone who's always around you doesn't notice the change. It's those who aren't present in your life for a long time who notice it. "You've changed." >Is not a valid excuse to not be someone's friend anymore. I've realised it today when lying on my bed. Friends stick by you even though you've changed. They don't kick you out of their lives. Even if you've changed for the worst. >They will still show that they care about you. They won't treat you any different. They try to cope with the changes. Even if they can't, they'll tell you and you'll understand. 'Cos at least they tried. >Friends don't laugh at something that's insulting to you. They stick up for you. Even if it's true what the other person is saying, They won't humiliate you because they care about how you feel. >They don't insult you intentionally. They don't laugh at anything potentially hurtful. Even if they do make fun of you in a joking way, it doesn't matter. 'Cos you know they don't mean it. Friend, where art thou? >I MISS YOU GUYS!! p/s: missing you the most hunnie (^o^)---<^o^) Labels: Life |
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