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Of rumors
Friday, June 12, 2009 @ 10:51 PM | 0 Comment [s]

> You might think rumor is just a rumor,
That nobody will get hurt,
That its ok,
That it will just be yesterday.

> But that's where you are wrong.
It does hurt,
Its not ok,
And it is the future.

> Even though I might not believe,
But it does hurt me,
It does haunt me at night when i am going to sleep,
It will always be at the back of my head.

> If it is directed to hurt me,
You've done it.
I salute you.

> But please,
Don't spread rumors bout my love one,
I guess that's because you know it will hurt me the most,
That's why you did it.


p/s: hunnie, i do trust and believe you, but it hurts, even for me.


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