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Of the 3rd time
Sunday, August 30, 2009 @ 7:45 PM | 2 Comment [s]

> Wenkie is in KL right now,
An on the 2nd of Sept,
He'll be leaving for Russia,
The 3rd time.

> I gotta admit,
Being separated from the one you love is pretty tough,
Especially the first few days,
Or weeks.

> I've been spending so much time with him,
For these 2 months,
Both of us going back and forth KK and Tawau,
But it was all worth it.

> Now that he is gone,
I miss being able play with his hair,
I miss being able to just lay in his arms,
I miss you hunnie.

> Thank you for the good times,
Thank you for the memories,
Sorry for merajuk-ing at time,
Sorry for saying sorry =3

> I broke down in tears yesterday night,
I was ok this morning,
But now,
I am in tears again.

> Do take good care of youself love,
I know things aren't going to be the same,
And you are going to go through your 3rd year,
But always remember that you've got God, family, friends and me by your side.

See you in a year time <3


Lots of love,

p/s: i'll always and forever be your girl


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