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Of bonding
Friday, September 4, 2009 @ 8:06 PM | 0 Comment [s]

> Went to upperstar,
To have our cousin dinner.
This time there's only four of us,
Gina, me, Phil and Aimee.

> We had a great time there,
Talking bout our childhood,
How Phil was always taller than me,
And that Aimee looked like asian when she was young.

> After dinner and all,
Aimee wanted to go to Firefly,
But Phil was sleepy,
You old man =p

> I had to bribe Phil,
It'll not be the same if he did not tag along,
The bribery?
Flaming Lambo on me.

> There was no Flaming lambo in Firefly,
But we still stayed there for while,
The band is good,
But a lil too loud.

> And there,
Gina got high on...
How could she... =s

> After the band,
We decided to change venue,
The DJ at Firefly suck,
Like seriously.

> Went to BarSu,
Ordered a Flaming Lambo,
But Phil let Aimee try instead,
And she was sooooooooo scared that her gorgeous locks are gonna get burnt.

> Oh!
The DJ in BarSu is AWESOME!!
He's Korean,
And the mixes he does are superb!

> So Phil will be going back to Cambridge,
Aimee and I will be heading to UCL and Leeds,
While Gina,
She's staying back in KK.

> We're gonna miss you,
Though you are 28 years old,
You don't look a day older than 23,
Trust me.
I've got a feeling, that tonight's gonna be a good night... =D

p/s: daddy just bought me a RayBan sunnies


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