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Of kaleidoscope
Monday, December 14, 2009 @ 8:03 PM | 2 Comment [s]

> Long-distance relatioship,
Is really not for everyone.
When being played by a 3rd person,
Its even harder.

> Wenkie and I have been in this for more than 2 years,
In fact,
Today is our 32nd monthsary,
Hooray for us!

> We work at this so hard,
We really want this to work out,
But something is messing with us,
This "person" whom i shall name it.

> You see,
It have been trying to make Wenkie look bad to me,
Sending emails to prove its point,
And trying to bring me down.

> I was the weakest link in this game,
Falling over and over again,
While Wenkie stood there for me,
To bring me up each time i fell.

> It made me a different person,
It made me moody,
And sick at all time.

> I hated going out,
Coz i know deep inside me i was emotionally confused,
Each time i went out,
I had to put a mask over it.

> Its tiring.

> I've had it.
It was going to kill me if it goes on.
Wenkie put so much effort to comfort me,
I know he's tired too.

> Wenkie's such a good man.
Going through everything that was thrown into his life,
And now this,
I can't just sit there and do nothing bout it.

> So i did what i thought was right,
And i think that hurt Wenkie.

> We're stronger than ever now,
We'll look back at this and laugh bout it.

> Life is like a kaleidoscope,
It might seem fuzzy, confusing and pointless at times.
But when you look closely,
It really is just so amazing.

p/s: wenkie and i are still holding on strong ;)


this is for you love..


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