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Of a new year
Saturday, January 2, 2010 @ 7:40 PM | 0 Comment [s]

2009 was a great year...
Here are the 9 things i did every month,
That is if i can list out 9 things =3

> January 2009
  1. Turned 20
  2. Retired from being a Student Councillor and elected to be in Election Board *always play PSP during meetings* =p
  3. Involved in IS orientation for the 3rd time
  4. Fell down the stairs
  5. Wore knee supporter for a month
  6. Tried to be a nerd
  7. Labelled as the "Mushroom Sisters" by lecturers
  8. Made breakfast for 80 people
  9. Made a fool out of myself to the juniors

> February 2009
  1. Cover for the new IS magazine
  2. Wore IS uniform almost everyday
  3. Bro bought me a Gucci belt
  4. Got roses from Wenkie via Lester
  5. Became a red indian
  6. Ran for 100m, 200m and 10x200m
  7. Compete in sports with knee injury
  8. Tried the unicycle
  9. First time in IS that 3 generation of secretary still in school

... to be continued

p/s: GSAPD (give serena a present day) in 10 days time!

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