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Of being more chinese than china
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 @ 5:51 AM | 0 Comment [s]

> Most of my friends in my degree,
They all come from China.
One thing they noticed about me is that,
I am more "chinese" than them.

> One of the reason is because,
I like to use this very practical thingy majingy,
Its human kind best invention yet!
Its light, non-bulky and easy to use!

I keep my notes with that yellow thingy majingy.
Not only that,
I keep my loose papers neatly in my bag with that thingy majingy too!

> Ok fine,
Its a cheap thing,
And invented by chinese people *they claim*
And practical *apparently practical stuff makes you look "chinese-ie"*

> Oh!
I was sick for 2 weeks,
And because of this magical potion from the magical land of China,
I got well in 3 days time.

> I'm not ashame of having Chinese blood ok?!
If you are!
Shame on you!
Mao zhi dong will be soooooooooooooooooooo dissappointed!


p/s: Clinique, M.A.C., Stila and Aveda is all under Estee Lauder. It's their differentiated marketing strategy. Yes. I have been studying.


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