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Of the retarded sister that i never had
Monday, February 23, 2009 @ 10:24 PM | 0 Comment [s]

> The 1st ever surprise birthday party i've organized,
was your 18th birthday.
We cracked eggs on your head,
threw flour all over you,
and who can ever forget the cake that we smashed your face into,
the frozen cake.
Reminder: Make sure you take out the cake from the fridge an hour before you smash someone's face into it. Or else somebody is gonna get hurt, real bad.

Litter Bug! You think you invicible ah?

> You were the clown in SC,
Cheering people up when we're down,
Dancing around,
Pinching all the guys nipple when they bully you.

> You are weird in your own lil ways.
Say what?

You are not weird?

Think again.

  • You don't use public toilet AT ALL

  • Drinking liquor is like drinking plain water
  • You made up a theme song for yourself that get stuck in people's head for days
    Dai Dai cute, Dai Dai cute, Dai Dai cute fun and loving

She always wanted her own brand of beer.

  • You are so obsess with dice
  • You will jump on me when you see cockroach


  • You can finish the Rubik's Cube 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, Ball version, Pyramid version without looking at the formula first.

> I miss you Dai,

Not more than I miss Wenkie :P

But nontheless,
I still miss you.

> Happy 20th Birthday Dai!
Hope you enjoy your projector!
She bought a projector instead of a TV for her own entertainment.
Told you she's weird.

Happy Birthday Dick Head! *insider's joke*



p/s: Thanks ko! Am loving the Gucci bag and belt. I know you love me! Don't deny it ba. I am your only sister you know? Love ya! And don't be naughty k?

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