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Of the new beginning ll Personal
Thursday, January 9, 2014 @ 5:43 PM | 0 Comment [s]

< 2013 has finally come to an end,
(9 days ago :p)
It has definitely been a year that I could look back with no regrets.

< After 6 long years,
Wenkie finally graduated from Med School!
Yeah to the end of our LDR!

< Don't even know how we survived 6 years of LDR.
And no, we did not, NOT even once broke off and get back together
(touch wood touch wood first).
And yes, we definitely did fight especially during the last year of our LDR.
It was MADNESS I tell you (partly because of my insecurity),
But THANK GOD we survived through it!

*throws confetti*

< Oh!
Wenkie liked it so much that he put a ring on it

< Yes!
We are engaged!
But we are not rushing our wedding.
Maybe 2 years from now?


< For 2014,
I just want it to be a good year,
A good year to everyone out there!


Till I type again,

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