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Of Moving To Another Smaller Town
Friday, November 22, 2013 @ 9:03 AM | 0 Comment [s]

> Goooooood morning everyone!
I know I've abandon this blog for God knows how long ago *counts with fingers, toes and strands of hair*
But to those who don't know,
I've moved to Tawau! *throws confetti*


> You see,
This blog is called Wenkielicious since it started like 6 years ago?
And if you're wondering,
My bf is called Wenkie *now now... don't get any ideas*

> And yupe!
After 6 years of long and dreadful long distance relationship *now commonly known as LDR*
We've finally made it!

> So as the WORLD'S BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER *thick face alert*
It's only right that I move to Tawau.
End of very happening clubbing, shopping and lifestyle.
Booooooo.... T.T

> There's only one thing I can do,
Find the best of Tawau!
Don't think I'll have anything to blog about my life now.

> So do check in once in a while!
I'll blog about Tawau, Sabah and what not that makes my life now!

> Till then,
Chiao Bella!

*miss you all! Eco Reef Dive at Pulau Tioman with my KPMG ex-colleagues*

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